Megabond N
MEGABOND N, a synthetic polymer emulsion for adding to cement
mortars where good adhesion and water resistance are required.
MEGABOND N is a high quality emulsion that substantially increases
the qualities of cement mortars, such as: thin layer patching
mortars, renders, floor screeds, concrete repair mortars,
abrasion resistant linings, tile fixing mortars, and masonry
MEGABOND N is formulated to comply with chemical specification
for bonding strength ASTM C 822-91
STONEBOND is a synthetic polymer emulsion for adding to cement
mortar to be used for attaching material made of stone such
as marble, granite, and ceramic tiles. STONEBOND substantially
improves the bonding characteristic of concrete and mortar,
such as: patching mortar, renders, floor screeds, concrete
repair mortar, tile fixing mortar, etc.
Waterproofing Compound